Cool 31 Metal Grinder XXX Leaf Black 63/4 (display 6)

Cool 31 Metal Grinder XXX Leaf Black 63/4.

Looking for a big, cool looking solid grinder?
Search no further !.
This grinder is one of the most popular and largest grinders on the planet.
This grinder makes grinding your weed even easier.

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Cool 31 Metal Grinder XXX Leaf Black 63/4.

Looking for a big, cool looking solid grinder?

Search no further !.

This grinder is one of the most popular and largest grinders on the planet.

This grinder makes grinding your weed even easier.

The grinder is 63 mm wide and has 4 layers.

On the grinder is a large, not to be missed cannabis leaf.

At the bottom of the grinder there is a scraper to roll the last bits in your joint.

1 display consists of 6 grinders.